Wellness in Home Remodeling

Including ‘wellness features’ into your home remodeling project isn’t just a good idea for your health – it’s trendy, too.

According to Forbes magazine, one of the upcoming trends of 2024 is increasing your home’s revitalizing power by including elements that emphasize your physical and mental well-being. Here are some ideas for turning your home into your very own zen palace!

Craft a Wellness space with Light

Light can do wonders for your soul. Carving out a dedicated ‘light well’ where you can get some extra light can improve ventilation, humidity control, and your overall happiness. Here are a few ideas:

  • Convert a porch or patio into a year-round sunroom. Skylights and large windows maximize exposure and can let fresh air flow into your home. If you’re worried about too much light, you can install retractable screens for flexible control.
  • Consider redesigning your floor plan to control light flow, removing obstructions that block windows and open spaces. You can also create a nook for your light therapy setup – a safe and secluded space to enjoy some sun bathing.
  • Install track lighting or spotlights to direct light precisely where you need it, allowing for customizable sessions.

Bring Nature Inside

Studies show that plants can have a positive impact on your air quality – and your health! Some extra vegetation can help you feel a little more zen.

If you like being straightforward, you can literally make space for nature inside your home. Build a wall garden or incorporate a lush color palette to increase the vibrancy of your home’s overall design.

You can go beyond plants, too. Build or remodel your home using unique natural materials like stone or bamboo to give everything a little more organic feel.

And feel free to explore different materials. Stone, for example, can give a room a unique tone depending on the type you pick. 

Remodel for Wellness with Creative Spaces and Sensory Gardens

Having a hobby or building a ‘you’ space is vital to restoring inner peace or encouraging healthy habits.

Open spaces can evoke a sense of freedom. You can add a new room or redesign an existing one to be more open, making room for exercise, meditation, yoga, or simple lounging. 

If you want to go a little further, create an indoor garden or ‘living wall’ to make a soothing sensory experience:

  • Plant flowers with vibrant colors and contrasting textures like velvet pansies and spiky dahlias.
  • Grow fragrant herbs like lavender and rosemary, and add scented flowers like honeysuckle. Don’t forget a citrus tree for a refreshing touch.
  • Create paths with contrasting textures like smooth pebbles and soft mulch.
  • Add a tinkling water feature or hang wind chimes for a serene soundscape.

Redesign Your Bathroom Into Your Very Own Spa

Another option for designing wellness into your home is repurposing an existing bath space. With a little work, you can make it into your very own spa.

  • Invest in a deep soaking tub for long baths. Consider adding a whirlpool feature as an added bonus.
  • Replace your standard shower with a rain showerhead, mimicking the soothing sensation of natural rainfall. Add steam functionality for deeper relaxation and muscle relief.
  • Heated floors are a great defense against chilly mornings. Consider radiant heating under tiles or mats for added warmth.
  • Try dimmable lighting to set the mood. Implement recessed lights, sconces, or candles for a softer glow.
  • Declutter your countertop for a zen aesthetic. Install built-in cabinets, open shelves, or add stylish baskets to tuck away toiletries.
  • Incorporate elements that reflect your individual preferences. Display artwork, inspirational quotes, or introduce textures that bring you joy.

A big part of wellness in home remodeling is simply making your personal space more unique. Taking care of your environment also means taking care of you.

Whether you’re incorporating natural elements into your decor or simply refurbishing, the more your space belongs to you, the better you’ll feel about it. If you’re a little hesitant about contacting a custom home builder, we can help you think of a few questions to get started. And, of course, we’d also love to hear from you.

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