Kitchen Remodeling: Know How & When To Start

It might not seem like it when your house is brand new, but kitchen remodeling is a big part of home ownership. The kitchen is one of the most heavily tracked areas in your home – because of that, there’s a good chance that a partial or complete renovation of your kitchen will become a necessity at some point.

kitchen remodeling

The average American spends around 400 hours in their kitchen a year. With a family, the wear-and-tear from that time can really add up.

And it’s not just the hours of food prep and meal time that put a strain on your kitchen. Because they’re common areas, kitchens tend to be a centerpiece for your home’s layout. Their crucial placement makes them high traffic rooms as people move around your home.

They’re also a hub of activity – acting as a meeting area, a crafts area, or even a relaxation area should the need arise. They get plenty of action.

So over the course of owning a home, it’s natural to get to a point where you’re wondering if a good kitchen remodel might be helpful. And because the kitchen is such an important utility space, you’ll quickly notice any issues that go unaddressed.

So what does a kitchen remodel involve and when should you consider one?

What’s The Process For Kitchen Remodeling?

Before we dive into the “when,” let’s talk about the “what.” A kitchen remodel can be as simple as replacing outdated appliances or as extensive as gutting the entire space and starting from scratch. Generally, the process looks something like this:

  1. Planning & Design: This is where we’ll work with you to understand your vision for your new kitchen. We’ll consider layout, materials, appliances, and budget. This phase may seem simple, but it’s actually one of the most important parts – precise communication early means saving on time and frustration later.

    This part of development can also include a number of intermediary phases. After capturing your vision through a detailed conversation about your needs and the scope of your project, we’ll plan the precise layout of your new kitchen area.

    At Icon Construction, we prioritize communication throughout the entire project. Not only will you have our cell numbers, but you’ll have access to the Icon Connect App, which lets you track the project’s progress and finances in real-time.
  2. Demolition: This part of the project is possibly the most straightforward. It involves removing, partially or fully, your existing kitchen to make way for new construction. This phase also doubles as a kind of inspection. If unseen problems or damage are present, we aim to catch them here.
  3. Rough Construction: This phase involves framing, electrical and plumbing work, and installing new drywall. At this juncture, the work is primarily focused on creating the basic structure of your rebuild.
  4. Finishes: This can refer to a number of details, including the installation of cabinets, countertops, flooring, backsplashes, and appliances. This is where your kitchen starts to really take shape.
  5. Punch List: This is a  final walkthrough to address any minor issues or imperfections. The punch list is an essential part of any construction project. The goal is to ensure the quality of work and address any last-minute concerns you might have.

How Long Does Kitchen Remodeling Take?

The length of a kitchen remodel varies depending on the scope of the project. The size of the room, its age, and the layout of your home can all impact the length of your renovation. A minor refresh could be a few weeks, while a complete overhaul might end up taking more time. Delays can occur due to unforeseen issues, but are generally rare with proper planning. 

When Is It Time To Remodel Your Kitchen?

kitchen remodeling

Deciding to remodel your kitchen can be a bit daunting. It’s a very manageable project, however, and can have a lot of benefits. If any of the below are an issue, it may be time to start renovating:

  • Outdated: If your appliances are nearing the end of their lifespan, your cabinets are worn, or the layout just isn’t working anymore, a remodel can bring your kitchen into the modern age. Appliances like Bosch all-in-one ovens can improve your kitchen’s functionality, possibly reducing cooking times or simply making the experience easier.
  • Water damage: This issue can often go unseen. If your tile is sagging, this could be a sign that there is water damage beneath your floor. This can happen for a number of reasons, from leaky plumbing to outside water finding its way into the crawlspace under your home.
  • Space: Times change and so do our needs. What worked when you built or purchased your home might not work anymore. If your kitchen’s layout is disrupting your home’s flow or you find you don’t have enough cabinet space, a kitchen remodel might be a good idea. Even a partial remodel can improve functionality and efficiency.
  • Lackluster: Sometimes you just want your kitchen looking its best. A remodel can give it a much-needed facelift, creating a space that you love to spend time in.

How To Initiate The Process

  1. Define Your Goals: Get a general idea of what you want to achieve with a remodel in mind, then give us a call. You don’t have to know everything or have a list of specific details – we can help with that part. But it’s important that you have a basic idea of what you’re trying to accomplish, whether it’s a full remodel or just updating a few features.
  2. Set a Budget: Knowing your budget helps us, help you. Our aim is to make this process easy, and knowing your budget can help us plan better.
  3. Ask the Right Questions: Don’t hesitate to ask questions. We’re here to help, and the earlier you ask your question, the better. No matter how small your question is, it can help us better understand your goal and plan for how to get you there.

Is It Time For A Kitchen Remodel?

We understand that a kitchen remodel is a big decision, but it can be a rewarding investment – for you and your family. If you’re ready to take the next step, we’re happy to help guide you through the process and start updating your home.

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